AW 20/21
Gosto amargo de infelizes,
Delicioso pungir de acerbo espinho,
Que me estás repassando o íntimo peito
Com dor que os seios d’alma dilacera,
Mas dor que tem prazeres – Saudade!
Misterioso númen, que aviventas
Corações que estalaram, e gotejam
Não já sangue de vida, mas delgado
Soro de estanques lágrimas – Saudade!
Mavilhoso nome que tão meigo soas
Nos lusitanos lábios, não sabido
Das orgulhosas bocas dos Sicambros
Destas alheias terras – Oh Saudade!
Mágico númen que transportas a alma
Do amigo ausente ao solitário amigo,
Do vago amante à amada.
Luís de Camões, Lusíadas
A word without translation, which describes us so well and wonderfully identifies the period of discoveries that are part of our history. This was the starting point and inspiration for the creation of the “Descobrimentos” AW 20/21 campaign.SAUDADE! Luís de Camões, great Portuguese poet who sings homesickness so well. This was also the motto of inspiration for the new AW 2021 knits collection campaign by Trimalhas!
His memorable work is a modern epic about the Great Portuguese Explorations and Discoveries. The ten Cantos d’Os Lusíadas – Lusíadas comes from the Lusitanian people, the ancestors of the Portuguese – not only talk about the adventures and historical events that surround explorations and discoveries, they also talk about the feelings, emotions and personality of the EXPLORERS. Discoveries were not only the theme of inspiration that portrays the discovery of innovative techniques, our exploration for the discovery, authenticity and technology of our knits!